Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Too often I wonder, too less I realize,
You were never mine,
We were like two blowing leaves, dancing on the harmony of the same wind,
Untill destiny made our paths entwine,
I thought it was forever, but soon I realized,
You were never mine.

Those memories of past,
Blew away like a castle of cards,
Our diamonds of joy, our spades of comfort
Now lie lifeless, separated and scattered,
Those pleas to return, still remain unheard
Succumbing to the harsh wind,
Whose efforts once made our paths entwine,
Now make me  realize, you were never mine.

These empty hopes still linger in my heart,
I feel like the petal plucked from the flower,
Disembodied from it’s own part,
Like the king of love from the deck of cards,
Disunited from his queen,
Like the leaf who still waits for it’s entwine,
But the wind is there to remind,
You were never mine.

\** This is written, not by me, but a friend as creative


  1. whoa!'ll even make the skeptics of romantic genre change their minds.Consider me on board.You r a great poet in the making,oh who m i kidding,looks like u r almost there.:D

  2. hey i didnt read the 'anonymous' :D...great writing neway.:D
